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The expertise & experience you need for your business

Focusing on economic equality

Guiding you through the surety bonding process,
A to Z

Offering education advisory services for sustainable growth

Developing essential skills and expertise

Providing the resources to ensure your success

Building Business Capacity For A Sustainable Tomorrow.

Education Advisory Services

Teaching Business Owners to Fish

MBDI’s education and advisory services outline a road map for the growth and success of minority, veteran and women contractors. We focus on training owners to become stronger CEOs via classroom instruction and one-on-one advisory services. Contractors improve their field and back office operations, financial presentation and learn the ins and outs of working on Project Labor Agreement (PLA) driven contracts. Our ultimate goal is to create jobs, create wealth (and perhaps generational wealth) increase community tax bases and foster economic development in communities of color.

Support MBDI

Sponsor MBDI Initiatives and Participate in Change

Systemic racism and worn out societal norms have left limited prospects for economic advancement in communities of color. MBDI’s educational programs cultivate opportunities for MWBE business owners to prosper. As our mentees grow, they hire, creating career paths and bringing well-paying jobs home to their neighborhoods. We target the construction industry, where a motivated individual can launch a business or a career that might lift their family out of poverty even if they haven’t benefitted from higher education. By supporting MBDI, our funders become part of a proven solution to a deeply seeded societal issue: minorities and women enter the game at a distinct disadvantage in terms of skills and capital as opposed to their white-male owned counterparts. MBDI prepares contractors to qualify for loans and bonding as they learn the operational skills they will need to succeed in the lucrative commercial and public works arena. Your financial contribution will help us to further develop our platform and cultivate MWBE contractors. Consider Partnership Opportunities, Donate, and/or Share your Expertise.


Surety Bonding

Bonded = Project Ready

The surety bond is the leading construction industry indicator that a business is prepared to perform a project successfully. When a contractor qualifies for a bond, they are considered project-ready. MBDI has worked with surety-industry experts to develop programs that prepare MWBE construction contractors to become bonded or grow into progressively larger and more complicated projects. Our goal is to create MWBE Prime Contractors as they strengthen their financial presentation, back office operations, and project management team

Learn more about the surety bond, a rigorously underwritten credit-based product requiring that a business demonstrate that they have the 3-C’s: Character, Capacity and access to Capital, to qualify. more

Minority Business Development Institute

The Minority Business Development Institute (MBDI) is an innovative, community-based, non-profit organization born out of a passionate desire to "change the paradigm" of economic inequality for the minority, veteran and women contractor community.1 We help to position minority firms to become credit worthy and therefore bondable, providing an effective response to the lack of capital that has historically limited MBE opportunities and growth.2 Minority and veteran-owned small businesses hold vast opportunity for advancement. The MBDI team's financial, legal and surety industry experience equips it to provide emerging contractors direct services, technical support and clearly defined road maps to success.