Surety Bonding
The World of Surety Bonding
Getting Started:
What you Need to Know
MBDI staff prides itself on taking the confusion out of the surety bond application process. We stand ready to help you decipher the myriad of questions and forms to keep you moving toward the goal of established bonding capacity.
While we will guide you through the process, there are several important items that must be considered before getting started. Your answers to many of the following items will determine the most sensible course of action.
- Determine your bond size requirement.
Do you need a small bond of less than $450,000 or do you require a bond amount in excess of $500,000? - Determine what your bond requirements will be over the next 12-month period.
Will you be pursuing one contract or are you pursuing several bonded contracts? - Confirm your current credit score.
If you do not know your credit score, now is the time to find out! This score is an important factor in your bonding application process. Visit for free, instant on-line access to your credit score. This site is also a great reference and resource for credit-related questions. - Reflect upon the current financial strength of your firm.
Review your firm's balance sheet and financial document history to determine the company's current financial position.
Completing the above action steps will help you determine if a bond amount of less than $450,000 will be adequate. If so, click Small Contractors Program for more information.
If your needs are for a bond program of $500,000 or more, click Standard Surety Program for next steps in the process. This will include a comprehensive list of required documents for submission.
The SBA Bond Guarantee Program may be appropriate for companies that do not qualify for bond in a standard surety market.